Month: July 2015

Shed Roofing at Margate Marina

Summary: The roof on our shed had started to full apart with the white fiberglass sheets breaking up. These sheets needed to be replaced so rain, sticks and leaves wouldn’t fall in. Report: On Saturday the 27/06/2015, Ben, Glynn and Hannah met at the shed at 9:00 am to but the new sheets of roof up. We …

Bendigo 1 to Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania

On the 12/07/2015, Ben, Tony, Reg & Ian met at Margate Marina for a 14:00 departure to take Bendigo 1 up to the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania. In the morning (13/07) Bendigo 1 will be having an inspection to make sure it is survey compliant. It was a quick trip to the RYCT from Margate around 1 …