Year: 2015

Huon’s Helping Hand Community Grant – Round 5

Volunteer Marine Rescue Kingborough would like to thank Huon Aquaculture for there support with there Helping Hand Community Grant. This Grant has allowed us to upgrade someone of our safety equipment aboard Bendigo 1 keeping it in-line with the latest in marine technology. The main purchase was a new AIS unit which allows Bendigo 1 to track …

Bendigo 1 – Maintenance

Thanks to Franklin Marine, Bendigo 1 is currently at Franklin Marina under going some much needed maintenance. Maintenance Includes: Relocation of main battery switches New power and earth connection leads Upgrade Radar, GPS, Navigation Card Depth sounder fitted to our A Series Raymarine chart plotter at the helm Plumbing on motor upgraded AIS fitted (Boat Position …

LBT Swiftsure Regatta – 2015

On Saturday 28th of November 2015, The Living Boat Trust held there annual Swiftsure Regatta. Events on the day included kids & adult rowing races, games and a sail race around egg island. On the day VMR Kingborough patrolled the water while practising a few manoeuvres around the river. A special thanks to Franklin Marine …

Coxswain Course – Part 3 (2015)

On the 13th of November 2015 VMR Tasmania members training for their Coxswain certificate met at VMR Dodges Ferry for part 3 of their course. The weekend was dedicated to navigation and rules and regulations. Out on the water we used charts to plot courses and marking waypoints. We used navigation methods like Cross Bearing Fix, Position Lines, …

Shed Roofing at Margate Marina

Summary: The roof on our shed had started to full apart with the white fiberglass sheets breaking up. These sheets needed to be replaced so rain, sticks and leaves wouldn’t fall in. Report: On Saturday the 27/06/2015, Ben, Glynn and Hannah met at the shed at 9:00 am to but the new sheets of roof up. We …

Bendigo 1 to Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania

On the 12/07/2015, Ben, Tony, Reg & Ian met at Margate Marina for a 14:00 departure to take Bendigo 1 up to the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania. In the morning (13/07) Bendigo 1 will be having an inspection to make sure it is survey compliant. It was a quick trip to the RYCT from Margate around 1 …

Assessment by Surf Life Saving Tasmania – June 2015

On the 6th of June 2015 Surf Life Saving Tasmania came down to Marine Rescue Kingborough to asses the crew aboard Bendigo 1. The crew where give tasks like how much fuel and time would it take to respond to an emergency call out and a man overboard exercise. We had a great day and the …